TestimonialsPersonal quotes from users of BioSuperfood.

The following testimonials are personal quotes and letters from people that have been using or are using BioSuperfood.
They are genuine offers to share their experience. Your testimonial is welcome as your story may touch another person and motivate them to try. The results obtained using BioSuperfood are individual and may vary for each person.
Statements in these testimonials or anywhere on this web site have not been evaluated by the UK Food Standards Agency nor by the US Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Always consult your professional health practitioner if you are uncertain.
Miracle Capsules
Thank you for supplying this miracle capsule. My fur baby was diagnosed with IMHA and we nearly lost her. my sister did a lot of research as I didn't want to put her on immunosuppressive medication... so we went down the alternative route, and part of her daily remedies are these and she's made remarkable recovery. My fur baby is a dog who's 6 years old. When she was diagnosed her blood PCV was 15% this was in May 2022. Last checkup it was up to 50% optimum š. I will continue to give her these miracle capsules.
CH, Camberley, UK, September 2022
Just for the record
Just for the record, this week I took my 18 years old cat George to the vet, and he could not believe he is 18, he said he looks and moves like a 10 years old. George takes every day (for the last 3 years, 1 capsule of BP F3). All my cats, 4 altogether, are on BP.
G M, Israel, September 2021
Kidney Disease in my cat
Dear Rob, just wanted to tell you that my 18 year old cat's kidney disease has reversed to stage 1... he is full of vitality. My conventional vet is well impressed! Many thanks for supplying this product!
KM, UK. October 2018
Mr Phumbles, my cat (Update)
My Phumbz is still doing great, and off insulin!
RK, Norway October 2018
Mr Phumbles, my cat
Okay, so my now 14 year old cat Mr. Phumbles first got Diabetes, because I had been giving him the Vet-recommended "high quality" dry food that is supposedly "all the cat needs for a healthy life"... Not so much; it was only when he got sick I realised how much carbohydrates and cheap ingredients like grains, and even sugar(!) this stuff contained...
So he went cold turkey with the dry kibble, and was switched to a wet-only diet, plus some health supplements that was okay-ish... To my great joy, this got him off the Insulin, and I was happy!
This was around last summer. But then, around Christmas, he again became super-thirsty. I tested his BG level to check if his Diabetes had returned, but that wasn't it, so I realized that it probably was CKD: it was his kidneys. The vet confirmed this. So, I needed a more radical solution, because 'officially', all you can do is give the cat a low protein diet, and hope that the inevitable death will be postponed a little. I was not gonna accept such a doomsday approach.
So I re-remembered the BP, and started him on a RAW food diet, no more of the canned and sunder-boiled food! And I began putting F3+ BioPreparation into the food, stepping up from a pinch to two caps a day, over six weeks... (I also give him pure, clean quality fish oil.) At this point he was drinking water like a human being, a couple of liters per day, and it was quite unnerving... But after a few weeks on BP, he more or less overnight quit drinking water! This worried me a lot at first as lack of thirst and dehydration is pretty common with CKD.
Also, I discovered that his Diabetes had returned, which worried me even more! Then I remembered Rob Esser had talked about The Law of Cure years earlier, teaching that to become healed, you will first have to expect going through a reverse process, and therefore old symptoms must resurface before being pushed out!
So I stuck to my guns, followed my gut and kept on blasting him with BSF, while making sure that the food I served him was very watery, to compensate for him not drinking any water anymore. (And also because BP requires a watery diet.) Fast forward to nowadays, and he is such a lively and frisky cat! He's began drinking water again, but not in exaggerated amounts, and I still also serve him food with lots of water, which he fortunately loves! His appetite has been great through this, which made this a blessing for me, no force feeding or such...
He seems to have only "half diabetes", as he needs insulin only once a day, not twice as before. And it has taken a while, but his BG levels are slowly lowering, so I feel we're on the right path.S o now he is out in nature every day, he's running and jumping around like a Lynx! He's hunting and playing, simply being a happy, sporty cat! He went from just slacking behind the couch with a droopy demeanour, to this!
The only symptoms I really see now, is that he is drooling, not all the time but every day, and that, for some reason; his tongue is a bit longer, but it's not like fatter or broader... I haven't retested him at the Vet yet, and frankly I don't feel too much haste to do that, because just seeing his great shape and mood and energy really uplifts me! It is so beautiful!! Peace and Love and Gratefulness; Mr. Phumbles & RK
RK, Norway. July 2018
BAC has brought me back to health
I have been very ill for 4 years. I was bitten by a tick carrying Ehrlichia and Lyme Disease. Unknown to me at the time, the head of the tick was left in my side. Four months later, I was bitten several times by a Brown Recluse Spider. Between the two bites I got very ill, bedridden for 4 weeks and even with massive medical intervention, I almost died. For one year, I suffered with severe joint and muscle pain and headaches. I was often weak and couldnāt get comfortable in any position.
I started taking BAC and within a few weeks of starting a friend, that knew of my condition who had not seen me in a while, asked me what I was doing because she said I looked great. Well, I thought about it and realized I had been feeling better and the only change that I had made was that I had been taking BAC. I have been taking BAC for over six months now (2 capsules/day) and during times of stress I take an additional mid-day capsule. I am a true believer that BAC has brought me back to a healthy functioning person.
Robin H., 2007
My energy levels have improved no end
This is end of my second week using F2. I am a long time qigong practitioner. My energy levels have improved no end also I am more aware of a sense of well-being. Slightly changed my diet at the same time and over the 2 weeks I have lost 5lbs. Health & happiness.
Eric W., United Kingdom, August 2007
BSF does it!
I discovered BSF in a conference in the States 3 years ago, tried it to replace my medecine for hypo-thyroid, and in less than 3 weeks I was off my medecine.
I was feeling great using BSF (10 pills of BSF 2 and 10 of BSF 3) for only 4 months, before I dropped down to 5 pills of BSF 2 and 5 of BSF 3, and one year later I'm taking only 3 of each every day.
It took only 3 weeks to stop my medecine and since then (even going through a difficult divorce with heavy stress), I've been able to have full potentiel of energy, great looking skin, and feel just good. Before BSF I would have had a hard time to wake up and get up in the morning, I was ALWAYS feeling tired from morning to evening, and I was either too cold or too hot, now my thermo-regulation is well balanced.
The other amazing fact is that I was under a hight dosage of medecine for thyroid, 100mg instead of the "normal" 50mg. When my first child was born, I decided to give her on her second winter one pill of BSF 2, one every other days, she NEVER got any cold at all, never got any flu when every others children were sick. And for myself I've NEVER gotten sick neither since I'm on BSF. Also I'm a vegan-vegetarian and it does influence the results a lots. I say that because my ex husband was not a vegetarian and was often coming home from work with cough, cold or flu, and he never took BSF consistently (just when he was sick), and the things is that me and the children could live in the same house and we were not getting sick!!
I love BSF and do believe it is the best product ever. In fact doctor Churney from Colorado States, at Eden Valley, invited me to a conference, and my life changed for good since then. Still today I give BSF 2 to both of my children over the cold months of Switzerland. Would you believe me if I say that my children NEVER get runny nose, and mothers arround me are always amazed. BSF does it! Have a great day!
Esther, Switzerland, September 2006
This is like gold dust to me
I cannot thank BioSuperfood & those at Blue Dragon Essentials enough. I am so very grateful for how much this has helped my health recovery.
I am one of many affected by gadolinium contrast dye given with my MRI in 2012. The resulting side effects were small fibre neuropathy (a mixture of burning, stinging, electrical shocks & cut-glass sensation), allodynia (sensitivity of the skin to clothing etc), coldness, brain fog, cognitive decline & more. I only found BioSuperfood in 2018, after joining the support group at www.gadoliniumtoxicty.com, finding there someone whose symptoms were 90% better using BioSuperfood. I began tentatively, with wonderful guidance from the team at Blue Dragon Essentials (ie, Rob Esser at that time, who was amazing at encouraging me to keep going & believed that BioSuperfood would remove the gadolinium & make me well again). I worked up from a pinch of F1 in water (I am highly sensitive to supplements), through 6 capsules of F1, to 6 of F2, then gradually transitioning to 6 of F3. (For me, this process took a year, but all the time feeling improvement.) My energy increased, my pain reduced, and my skin which had aged & thinned returned to normal.
I really love that there is little need for other supplements taking this, as I am sensitive to most supplements. This product, being all natural, is readily accepted by my body. I am also confident that this algae is toxin-free by way of its production, & it is a very unique formula due to Dr Kiriacās research behind it.
Whilst my health has recovered greatly, I still take 4-5 capsules of F3 daily, & want to continue taking it always if possible as I know it nourishes my cells, plus we are all exposed to many toxins daily - itās unavoidable - so the need to detoxify is always present. This is like gold dust to me, its value canāt be overstated.
Connie, January 2024
Lucy the Dog: her story
At this time, Lucy's situation was so bad that, I felt compelled to take her to the vet and put her to sleep as she would vomit this thick saliva foam three or four times a day and was really suffering. But I felt that I had a moral obligation to you Rob, as you had been so kind and generous, that it would had been betrayal on my part not to give the F3+ a chance. This would mean enduring at least another month of suffering on Lucy's part, so you can imagine the doubts and guilt I felt in embarking this procedure. In the end, my sense of loyalty to you prevailed and after about three weeks the symptoms began to retreat!
After the first tub of F3+ was finished I decided to take Lucy to the vet for an x-ray. It showed that the tumor is still there, identical to its dimensions of December 24. The vet was pretty surprised of this outcome, as we had parted in agreement that I would had probably taken her for euthanasia at the beginning of January 2015. He was not able to explain the reason the symptoms weren't there anymore, but seemed to be very satisfied with the outcome. We parted in agreement that if this situation were to continue, I would bring Lucy for another x-ray after three months!
Furthermore, the vet must have been quite impressed, as yesterday I received a phone call from a lady named X (also from Rome) who told me that she had received my contact info from the vet, as her dog was not responding to metronomic chemotherapy for a lung tumor anymore and suggested she talk to me and see if she wanted to try out this alternative approach that had worked for me!
So, to make a long story short, Lucy is doing good and I have been spreading the story around. Above all, I wish to express my immense gratitude to you Rob, for all this!
CMP, Rome, Italy. April 2015
Athletic performance
I must say F3's effect on athletic performance is incredible.
Sami, UK, Nov 2014
Family Observations
A while ago I mentioned that I would give some feedback on the use of BioSuperfood. Well, here are a few observations:
- Energy levels are definitely higher. I've always had a real dip in concentration and energy at around 4 pm. Not anymore, can work happily all the way through.
- I've noticed a more positive mood in general. That sounds rather vague but it is real, you're not aware of it until you start to realise that you now deal with certain situations in a calmer manner. I'm not saying that you walk around half spaced-out humming a mantra. It seems that you take a more measured approach.
- Can fight off colds easier.
- The biggest impact has been on my digestive system. After experiencing a very stressful time many years ago things haven't been right since. Now things are great, with no change in diet.
Daughters 1 and 2:
- Higher energy levels, ability to fend off bugs, weight loss is easier, (I second that!), stops craving for junk food.
Ex wife:
- Weight loss, (she can't get over it!)
- Mentally sharper at work she's noticed
- Note: I recommended this product to her because of pains in her legs that doctors could not diagnose. It was stopping her walking the hills and was having a major impact on her life. So I bought her some F2. After about a week she enquired whether taking F2 would give you a headache and make you feel somewhat drained. I replied that I did remember reading something about a detox process that could cause such symptoms and suggested that she should stick with it a bit longer. Anyway, a week later I asker her about the pains and she said they were completely gone and she felt great! Coincidence? Who knows. I have her permission to write this.
My partner:
She hasn't really commented on any noticeable changes, but I've certainly noticed an improvement in her mood! Hope this is helpful and thank you for continuing to supply this product.
G G, UK, Nov 2013
Extremely High Frequency
Meanwhile, I've some things to report on the algae products I'm taking. I only managing to take one each of the F-2 and F-3 twice a day. However, within a week I noticed:
- My energy level is maintaining throughout the day instead of the usual 2pm slump I experienced in the afternoon.
- My mood is much better and more positive; not overly so but just level. Things don't get me down as much.
- Because I've got so many other vitamins left, I tried to combine ingesting them along with the algae and promptly threw them up each time. My body just flat out rejected the other supplements after taking this algae.
- I sleep soundly and wake up much earlier, feeling awake and refreshed.
- I feel well-fed on this product. My body feels nourished.
There is an extremely high frequency to these products.
Marjorie Bennett, Colorado Springs, Colorado, December 2007
I really feel the difference if I don't take it for even one day!
I've been using BAC as part of my healthy lifestyle routine for just over two years now. I've had a couple of rough years - first my father passed away Dec 05 and then my husband had a major heart attack Dec 06. It's been a very stressful time for me and BAC has helped me enormously. I really feel the difference if I don't take it for even one day! Thank you Dr Thomas for the wealth of information. God bless both you and Dr Kiriac for this superfood. Regards.
Jacki, United Kingdom, July 2007
Strength in my lungs
I am writing this letter in absolute gratitude for what the product, BSF, has done for me. When I started taking BSF 2, it was because my sister, realizing the tremendous state of poor health that I was in, ordered it for me. I began taking it, one half of a tablet at a time. I saw no real response to it, and stopped taking it. Months passed before I would try again. Chris finally convinced me to start taking the product once again, and this time I made a commitment to follow through taking it. I am now up to five tablets a day.
It has been about four months, and during this period of time, I have experienced some phenomenal things. First of all, I was suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is gone. Next, I was suffering with arthritis. It is much better and I believe on it's way out. Thirdly and most importantly, I was suffering with scared and damaged lungs from having been stricken with Staphylococcus Pneumonia in 1998 and ARDS in 2000. Both deadly infectious lung illnesses that kill most people quickly. I was on life support both times, in a coma both times, trached in my throat both times and pronounced dead both times. I was told I would be on oxygen the rest of my life. I had no wind in me, and breathing was difficult.
Today, I can tell you my lungs are on the mend. I know that since taking BSF my ability to breath and even hold my breath has more than greatly improved. I am truly on the mend. I had lungs that collapsed and filled up with blood. Doctors gave up on me. Of course, I give the credit to God, but I also credit the BSF for giving me back my strength in my lungs. The other day, I held my breath for close to one minute. Unbelievable. Thank you to all the people who ever worked on this product to bring about the wonder of it all.
J.P. Cisneros, June 2006